$79.00 USD

Knit to Profit

Get the course for $127 ⚡️ $79 ⚡️ for a limited time!

Go from knitting enthusiast to successful business owner, monetizing your craft with confidence.

What you'll get in this self-paced online course:

💸 A deep dive into over 10 major ways you can make money knitting, so you can stop wondering how to monetize your hobby and start taking action. 

📊 An in-depth look at my business to show you exactly how I’ve made my money and what’s been the most profitable so you can make the best decisions for your business.

💭 A thorough evaluation of different revenue streams so you can easily figure out what makes sense for you.

✍️ Business building workbook to help you embrace your knitting expertise and translate that into your own profitable products and services you’ll love offering.

🗓️ A 30-day plan specific to your business so you know exactly how to start executing your ideas instead of just thinking about them.

 ✏️ My lessons learned and expert advice throughout the course to make sure you get the absolute most out of everything! 

💻 Lifetime access to the online course material that will include any updates I make to the course in the future. 

🙌🏻 Access to a strong community of other knitters in the course to share ideas and get questions answered.

📱BONUS: 50 Social Media prompts to start engaging your audience right away.

📷 BONUS: My go-to tools and software I use for my knitting business to easily make money every single day.